for god's sake 中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

sake 中文 意思是指目的、理由、緣故…等意思,經常以for the sake of 的形式出現。 下面列舉關於sake的幾個英文例句,趕快學起來,下次就知道什麼意思囉! ... <看更多>
#1. 阿滴英文on Instagram: “For god's sake.「天殺的」 試試看
6183 Likes, 64 Comments - 阿滴英文(@rayduenglish) on Instagram: “For god's sake.「天殺的」 試試看,在留言區翻譯這段對話!
#2. for God's sake當中的sake到底該如何理解 - 人人焦點
Oh my god等於是在呼喚他們的神。有些外國人喜歡稍微溫和一點感嘆:sake意思是「目的」,For...sake相當於中文裡的「看在.
#3. for god's sake-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: Enough showers, for god's sake.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"for god's sake"
for god sake中文 意思:為了上帝的緣故…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋for god sake的中文翻譯,for god sake的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#5. “for god's sake”究竟什么意思,究竟怎么用 - 百度知道
#6. "For God's sake"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)(英文)的問題
An exclamation of anger, surprise, or impatience. ”For God's sake, don't scare me like that!” ”Put some pants on, for God's sake!” · 瑞典語 · 英語 ...
#7. 在不同语境中如何将'for god's sake' 翻译成中文? - 知乎
"for god's sake"這句話想表達的意思大概是: "God does everything right. What you are doing is against his own will, so please stop it." 通常用來阻止別人討厭 ...
#8. HBO電影中的精采英文口語- 世界公民文化中心- udn部落格
9、看在主的份上,你就……:兩種說法,其一是For the love of God,另外For God's sake(sake的意思是緣故、關係)二者之中,後者更常用。
#9. for God sake - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"for God sake" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#10. for god's sake 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過500 萬人使用的線上學英文平台!十萬部YouTube 影片教材,輕鬆掌握真實情境的日常對話、瞭解單字片語的發音與實用的用法。免費提供中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典, ...
#11. FOR GOD'S SAKE 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
请参阅句子中使用短语的示例及其翻译。 说话和翻译; 听翻译的例句. 在应用程序中打开. 也可以看看. for goodness sake. -. 为了善良. for gods sake. -. forgod'ssake.
#12. for God's sake! - WordReference.com 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. For God's sake!, For Christ's sake! interj, possibly offensive (expressing anger or frustration) (表示生气或沮丧) ...
#13. sake中文(簡體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
Please do it, for David's sake. 为了戴维,请做这件事。 Their parents only stayed together for the sake of the children. 他们的父母仅仅是为了孩子 ...
#14. for god's sake - 抓鸟
for god's sake 的解释是:务必… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:for god's sake的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#15. 【俚語片語】for goodness sake 語意 - 痞客邦
for goodness sake 其實就是 for God's sake 或 for Christ's sake。因為God (神)和Christ (基督)二字在基督教國家是很受尊敬的,一個人開口隨便 ...
#16. For God's sake for goodness sake for heaven's sake 释义
The expressions 'for God's sake' and 'for Christ's sake' could cause offence. [informal, feelings]. For goodness sake, why didn't you ring me?
#17. for god's sake - WebSaru英漢字典 - 線上字典
for god's sake中文 意思: for god's sake [] 務必..., 學習for god's sake發音, for god's sake例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#18. for god's sake是什么意思 - 旅遊日本住宿評價
for god's sake ,大家都在找解答。沪江词库精选for god's sake是什么意思、英语单词推荐、for god's sake的用法、for god's sake的中文解释、翻译for god's sake是什么 ...
#19. for god's sake是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选for god's sake是什么意思、英语单词推荐、for god's sake的用法、for god's sake的中文解释、翻译for god's sake是什么意思.
#20. for god's sake的繁體中文翻譯 - 偵測語言翻譯
for god's sake. for god's sake. 14/5000. 偵測語言, 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文, 信德文, 優魯巴文, 克林貢語 ...
#21. sake的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
You can also say that you do it for something's sake . Let's assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database... 為了便於討論, ...
#22. God sake: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音 - 在线英语词典
查看«God sake»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句,学习«God sake»的同义词、反义词和发音。
#23. for one's sake中文2022-精選在Youtube/網路影片/Dcard上的 ...
sake 中文 意思是指目的、理由、緣故…等意思,經常以for the sake of 的形式出現。 下面列舉關於sake的幾個英文例句,趕快學起來,下次就知道什麼意思囉!
#24. for god sakes 的中文含义- dute.org - 在线词典
在线词典,支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、常用短语、英英释义、同义词、同根词、词语辨析等,是外语学习者必备的在线查词 ...
#25. For God's Sake, Rest! - 博客來
書名:For God's Sake, Rest!,語言:英文,ISBN:141410829X,頁數:295,作者:Anderson, James L.,出版日期:2007/03/31,類別:人文社科.
#26. for God's sake的中文,翻译,解释,例句- 词典- 英语人
for God's sake 的中文,翻译,解释,例句.
#27. for God's sake «翻译成中文, 字典英文- 中文| Glosbe
for God's sake "在免费英文——中文词典中的翻译: 拜托, 拜託.查看更多翻译和示例。
#28. “看在老天爷份上”是什么意思? - italki
I don't think it means "for God's sake" at all. It is one of those mistakes that have circulated on the internet. Many Chinese people just ...
#29. for God's sake - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
for God's sake · 查看更多. ph. 【口】(用於加強請求的語氣或表示厭煩、驚奇等)看在上帝的份上, 做做好事吧, 請幫幫忙; 天哪, 哎呀 ...
#30. for gods sake怎么翻译 - 搜狗搜索引擎
Don t , for gods sake , shout so loud , he replied. ... 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:for god's sake的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。 抓鸟词典 ...
#31. sake 中文意思是什麼
for appearance' sake =for the sake of appearance 為了面子,面子上。 for form's sake 形式上。 for God's [Christ's, goodness', heaven's, mercy's] sake 千萬,務請 ...
#32. 7個與人名相關的英語- The News Lens 關鍵評論網
的意思,有沒耐心、煩躁的語氣,與for God's sake和for Christ's sake同義。牛津字典上解釋Pete為God的委婉代稱,而Pete是聖彼得(St. Peter)的暱稱 ...
#33. 「單相思」可別說成「love by myself」, 看到答案我恍然大悟了!
sake 的意思是「目的,理由」, For someone's/ something's sake 因為. ... 那麼, 問題來了, 什麼情況下才會讓一個人說出:For God's sake?
#34. sake - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
短语,惯用语: for God's [ or Christ's, goodness', heaven's, pity's] sake 俗.
#35. sake中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
sake 的中文意思是什麼呢?2022年最常見的用法,有371影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放, ... god. Jesus. Christ. oh. for. god's. sake. Jesus. appreciated.
#36. for simplicity's sake 中文的意思是什麼? - 台灣英語網
for simplicity's sake 中文的意思是什麼? Forum rules. 個人在發表文章或看法當時,都是認為自己是對的. 但要是有人持有不同 ...
#37. HBO電影中的精采口語 - 商業英語世界觀
9、看在主的份上,你就……:兩種說法,其一是For the love of God,另外For God's sake(sake的意思是緣故、關係)二者之中,後者更常用。
#38. Can You Do Me A Favor?不要再叫我幫你忙了- 正能量英語
For god's sake, just say you need my help. Stop asking me to “do you a favor” and expect me to blindly say yes. 我的老天,你就直接說需要我 ...
#39. sake - 柯林斯雅思备考词典
... sake中文什么意思,sake翻译,sake读音,sake发音,sake单词用法,sake双语例句,sake ... for God's sake , for heaven's sake , for goodness' sake , for Pete's sake ...
#40. "why don't you give him a chance for god's sake"影视英语听力
【英语听力】听不懂是因为不懂连读吗? 笑死中文版never gonna give you up. 6624 ...
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For now, the C4 Broadcaster app is just out there on the Android platform. Watching broadcasters on Cam4 is possible, but you can even ...
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Chief Twit Elon Musk is such a monster! He made lifetime bans reversed. He DID IT. it's no joke… for God's sake, maybe he could free Twitter ...
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Even canara bank giving 7.5% interest on 666 days fd n it's a bank for God's sake. Like Like 3. Reply 0. namami ghosh @namami ghosh 6 days ...
#44. Polling Place Locator - Vote.org
The tool is constantly being updated with new data. If you don't find data for your address, please scroll down and check directly with your state election ...
#45. IAEA expresses frustration at slow progress in establishing ...
"For God's sake," he has reiterated in his speech, picked up by CNN, "how can you bomb a nuclear plant?". Microsoft and partners may be ...
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The Times of Israel is your one-stop site for news, features, live blogs and more - on Israel, the region & the Jewish world.
#47. Peter Jackson - Lead Pastor at Foundation Church in Dripping ...
I love being a small piece of what God is accomplishing in the world. It is my goal to lead Foundation Church into serving the world for the sake of Christ ...
#48. Your Shoes Belong to Someone Else by Troy Pancake
On the surface, the moral of the story is obvious: it is immoral to pass up a drowning child for the sake of convenience. If this is wrong, ...
#49. (S2) Ep. 99 - They're So Full of It. | Secret Playlist - Webtoon
(S2) Ep. 66 - For God's Sake. ... (S2) Ep. 66 - For God's Sake. ... English; 中文 (繁體); ภาษาไทย; Indonesia; Español; Français; Deutsch.
#50. TOB religion chapter 1 Flashcards - Quizlet
... result of their being created by God in his image and likeness and more. ... freely choosing to forego earthly marriage "for the sake of the kingdom of ...
#51. 'We don't talk about that' - Fernandes responds to Ronaldo ...
Ronaldo's falling from grace has his own karma and for God's sake spare others for his failures and being isolated !!! Patp • 6 days ago.
#52. Christian Orthodoxy Is Your Ticket to a Land of Adventure
The Son of God comes down the mountain to save us, for we cannot save ... for the sake of the world it seeks to reach with the Good News.
#53. Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises - Project Amber
Although you don't quite understand the purpose of this recording, you still follow Alhaitham's instructions for the sake of the plan. Alhaitham. It's done.
#54. Halloween story for Aconitum - mfu Scrapbook - LiveJournal
Cooper shows great promise.” “Promise to be a geek,” Napoleon muttered, annoyed by his own sense of jealousy. He was just a kid, for God's sake ...
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#1 You explore things in depth for purely for the sake of exploring them in ... meaning of "God's image" and how to evoke it within you on a journey from ...
#56. Deer Thing - Terraria Wiki - Fandom
... Artisan Loaf; Advanced Combat Techniques (Volume Two); Torch God's Favor ... Roasted Bird; Roasted Duck; Sake; Sauteed Frog Legs; Shrimp Po' Boy ...
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“For God's sake, go back to your room!” he cried. “Poor Jack is dead! You can do nothing. For God's sake, go back!” After some persuasion upon the stairs ...
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“'No,no,Jack,for God's sake!' she gasped in uncontrollable emotion. Then,as I approached the door,she seized my sleeve and pulled me back with convulsive ...
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Oh, for God's sake, Auntie! Melly, pick up the salts! Hold her up, Melly.” Melly, weeping openly with happiness, steadied Miss Pitty's rolling head and held ...
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“For God's sake, what do you think, Mr. Holmes? It may be a mere intellectual puzzle to you, but it is life and death to me! My wife a would—be murderer—my ...
#61. Iran: Revolt or Revival? - The Gospel Coalition
Consider attending protests in your city to speak out for the sake of the Iranian people. Christians in Iran are increasingly convinced that ...
#62. Here's why Congress must make TPS protections permanent
For the sake of my children and the strength of our North Carolina communities, I urge Congress to take action to provide a pathway to permanent ...
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Language: 中文-普通话 國語; Words: 5,096; Chapters: 1/1; Hits: 4 ... Language: 中文-普通话 國語 ... He is literally at gunpoint, for God's sake.
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... every time I had sex with her I never appreciated how special it was... for god's sake I had no relationship since the last 4 yewra.
#65. Best Upper Room Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
Its mission is to bring the word of God from a timeless faith into your ... to connect with God, self, others, and creation for the sake of the world.
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The body of Christ, the marriage of the Lamb, and the time of God's redemption Isaiah 63:4 is a very ... españolPortuguêsFrançais简体中文 2.
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"I Am The God Of Eroticism! I'll Show You A Real Slut. ... Already God's Realm! Brain Alive Just By Imagining Sperm! ... ⇒Sake Is The Switch!
#68. Bible csv
Here we have gathered the top 20 Bible verses about blessings from God. ... more programs are available for instant and free download. org 聖經 中文和合本 ...
for god's sake 中文 在 for one's sake中文2022-精選在Youtube/網路影片/Dcard上的 ... 的推薦與評價
sake 中文 意思是指目的、理由、緣故…等意思,經常以for the sake of 的形式出現。 下面列舉關於sake的幾個英文例句,趕快學起來,下次就知道什麼意思囉! ... <看更多>